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时间:2015-02-26 16:34 作者:西安交通工程学校

册页客票;联票 coupon ticket
代用票 substituting ticket
定期票 periodical ticlet
公用乘车证 service pass
行李票 luggage ticket; baggage ticket
车票有效期 ticket availability
行李包裹托运 consigning of luggages and parcels
行李包裹承运 acceptance of luggages and parcels
行李包裹交付 dilivery of luggages and parcels
旅客换乘 passenger transference
变更径路 route diversion
错乘 takeng wrong train
漏乘 missing a train
越站乘车 overtaking the station
旅客列车乘务组 passenger train crew
旅客列车乘务制度 crew working system of passenger train
旅客列车轮乘制 crew poolng system of passenger train
旅客列车包乘制 assigning crew system of passsenger train
旅客列车包车制 responsibility crew system of passenger train
列车员 train attendant
列车长 train conductor
乘警 train police
客运密度 passenger traffic density
旅客列车直达速度 through speed of passenger train
旅客列车车底周转时间 turnround time of passenger train set
列车车底需要数 number of passenger train set required
客车平均日车公里 average car-kilometers per car-day
列车平均载客人数 average number of passengers carried per train
列车客座利用率 percentage of passenger seats utilization per train
客车客座利用率 percentage of passenger seats utilization per car
铁路货物运输 railway freight traffic
铁路货运组织 railway freight traffic organization
综合性货运站 general freight station; general goods station
专业性货运站 specialized freight station
零担货物中转站 less-than-carload freight transhipment station; part-load transhipmint station
营业站 operating station
非营业站 non-operating station
货场 freight yard; goods yard
尽头式货场 stub-end type freight yard
通过式货场 through-type freight yard
混合式货场 mixed-type freight yard
装卸线 loading and unloading track
轨道衡线 weight bridge track
货区 freight area; goods area


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